You are what you believe in.
You become that which you believe you can become.
Yoga & Tantra Deep Dive
Cultivate a nourishing practice that supports your every day life on all levels of being. Join me at my ALKEMY Soul® studios in Vienna or Online and dive into empowering Classes, Workshops & Trainings.
Retreats & Pilgrimage
Enter a space of wild possibility that will invoke love, learning and lasting transformation. My Retreats and Pilgrimages are carefully crafted and lead you to some of the most unique places in the world.
SOMA - Tantrika Moon Circle
Circle with Community. SOMA is a special Online Membership including Himalayan Kriya Meditations, Kundalini Tantra Classes and Moon Medicine. In German.
My name is Alexia & I guide people to live a life with purpose.
With great passion I have explored and researched the fields of traditional Yoga & non-dual Saiva Saktā Tantra, Bhakti, Healing Arts, Divination, Jyotish and the Kundalini Phenomena over the past 15 years. These methods, tools & practices have helped me awaken, heal, rewire and balance my body-mind-soul system and gave me a map for living my true nature. Inspired by my findings I created ALKEMY Soul® , ALKEMY Travel and Temple of She® - places of self-discovery that invite you to transform and elevate.
I warmly invite you to join me at the studio, online, on Retreat, Pilgrimage or in a training to learn about yourself and your place in the world.
Consciously choose the direction of your own evolution. Choose with courage.
Surrender is the path of perfection.
Coming Up
Are you looking for holistic Yoga, Tantra, Healing and Embodiment Practices to support your life’s path and personal evolution? Join my ALKEMY Soul® studios in Vienna, our Online courses or International Trainings.
Remember who you really are.
Asya sarvasya viśvasya pary antesu samantatah
Adhva prakriyayā tattvam śaivam dhyatva mahodayah
— YUKTI VERSE 57/ Vijñāna-Bhairava-Tantra
The air I am breathing was exhaled in ecstasy
By an ancient sun.
This earth I am standing on
Was born of cosmic fire.
The blood flowing through my veins
Is as salty as the primordial ocean.
The space permeating my body
Is infinite as the space all around.
Above, below, to all sides, within,
The elements of the universe
Are engaged in their ceremony of delight.