You are what you believe in.

You become that which you believe you can become.

  • Yoga & Tantra Deep Dive

    Cultivate a nourishing practice that supports your every day life on all levels of being. Join me at my ALKEMY Soul® studios in Vienna or Online and dive into empowering Classes, Workshops & Trainings.

  • Retreats & Pilgrimage

    Enter a space of wild possibility that will invoke love, learning and lasting transformation. My Retreats and Pilgrimages are carefully crafted and lead you to some of the most unique places in the world.

  • SOMA - Tantrika Moon Circle

    Circle with Community. SOMA is a special Online Membership including Himalayan Kriya Meditations, Kundalini Tantra Classes and Moon Medicine. In German.


My name is Alexia & I guide people to live a life with purpose.

With great passion I have explored and researched the fields of traditional Yoga & non-dual Saiva Saktā Tantra, Bhakti, Healing Arts, Divination, Jyotish and the Kundalini Phenomena over the past 15+ years. These methods, tools & practices have helped me awaken, heal, rewire and balance my body-mind-soul system and gave me a map for living my true nature. Inspired by my findings I created ALKEMY Soul® , ALKEMY Travel and She ALKEMY - places of self-discovery that invite you to transform and elevate.

I warmly invite you to join me at the studio, online, on Retreat, Pilgrimage or in a training to learn about yourself and your place in the world.

Consciously choose the direction of your own evolution. Choose with courage.


Surrender is the path of perfection.

Coming Up


Are you looking for holistic Yoga, Tantra, Healing and Embodiment Practices to support your life’s path and personal evolution? Join my ALKEMY Soul® studios in Vienna, our Online courses or International Trainings.

Remember who you really are.

  • Alexia has been such a transformative power in my development as a human being and Yogini

    Alexia’s yoga classes give me a feeling of „coming home“. Coming home to myself. In her class I can create an inner dance with my body, mind and spirit. I have followed a lot of yoga classes in my life, but stepping into Alexia’s yoga class the first time, i knew this was all what I was looking for in a yoga teacher.

    Alexia has the great capability to see through the outer layer of her students and immediately touch their inner core. With her profound knowledge and wisdom, she is capable to lead her yoga students on a physical and spiritual level to their inner source of strength. A pathway of depth, devotion, with an open heart and inner smile. She knows when to push, she knows when to let go, she knows how to hold space and she is just a wonderful human being, that makes the path of yoga, understandable and in reach for everyone.

    -Maartje P.

  • Alexia is a truly inspiring and really great yoga teacher

    She holds a lot of wisdom from many different traditions. Not only does she teach very well rounded classes and workshops, you can also feel that she shares her knowledge from the bottom of her heart. Alexia has many years of experience in the yoga world, she is ever evolving and very creative. What I also love about Alexia's teaching style is her sense of humour. You can be sure that her classes will make you smile. :-)

    -Barbara B.

  • Thank you from the heart!

    I got to know Alexia many years ago and I am so glad she came into my life. She inspired me by her words, her knowledge and the way she practices Yoga. I sure am one of her oldest ( of age) Testimonials but I can say, I have a young and flexible body and mind thanks to Alexias special lessons, workshops and retreats.

    -Anneliese P.

  • So happy to be a part of it!

    Danke Alexia!!!❤ Du gibst mir mit deinen Techniken sooooo viel Kraft. Ich stehe jeden Tag in der Schule mit den kids und dachte letzten Freitag, ich schaff es nicht. Dank so tollen Menschen wie dir, die mir viele Werkzeuge eröffnen, mit denen ich Tag für Tag das Positive und Gute in mir und meinem Umfeld erfahren kann, weiß ich, dass jede Herausforderung schaffbar ist und uns nur noch stärker und geduldiger werden lässt.

    -Lisa H.

  • Alexia is one of the most powerful women I know.

    Grateful for her being a rolemodel for self empowerment in my life.✨

    PS: Her yoga classes are the best!

    -Daniela F.


Asya sarvasya viśvasya pary antesu samantatah 

Adhva prakriyayā tattvam śaivam dhyatva mahodayah

— YUKTI VERSE 57/ Vijñāna-Bhairava-Tantra


The air I am breathing was exhaled in ecstasy 

By an ancient sun. 

This earth I am standing on

Was born of cosmic fire.

The blood flowing through my veins

Is as salty as the primordial ocean.

The space permeating my body 

Is infinite as the space all around. 

Above, below, to all sides, within,

The elements of the universe

Are engaged in their ceremony of delight. 


Where I create, there I am true.